Monday 2 May 2016

Hokkaido Cupcakes

It's Spring! And yet it snowed 2 days ago... and yes it snowed in London... I guess that's why people always say the english weather is very unpredictable;p

We are having a gathering at a friend's house tomorrow.. Boodle fight.. This is the first time I have heard of this boodle fight thingy. Apparently the cooked food are placed on banana leaves which is placed on a super long table.. and guests would have to FIGHT to get to the food. Of course I am joking! Guests will eat together on the table...

Since the owner of the house had been whining about not having the chance to taste my version of the hokkaido cupcake, I decided to make some for the gathering..

It's kinda difficult but relatively easy to make these cupcakes. There are some serious techniques involved here. Folding of the meringue for instance. Fold it in ONE direction and be GENTLE.


Part A:

- 6 egg yolks
- 40 g sugar
- 80 mls milk
- 80 mls oil
- 120 g cake flour

Part B:

- 6 egg whites
- 80 g sugar


1) Hand whisk yolks and sugar till pale.

2) mix in oil, milk and flour and whisk till combined.

3) Whisk egg white and sugar till firm peak.

4) Fold B into A.

5) Bake at 150 for 20-25 minutes or till slightly brown.

Tip: When you lightly touch the top of the cake and it bounces back, it means its ready.

No time to brush hair and wash face... Boodle fight it is!

one more for luck...;0

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